Thursday, March 31, 2011

The REAL Way to Recover

You have just finished your long ride and are feeling a bit sore and wondering how tomorrow's long run is going to go. So what do you do? Most of us have developed the habit of taking a few anti inflammatories before going to bed. What if there was a more natural way to keep the inflammation at bay while maximizing your health benefits.

Reserveratrol, found in grapes, dark berries and red wine has been marketed as having anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti aging properties. Researchers have also found that essential oils from thyme, clove, rose and fennel can suppress inflammatory enzymes, in a role very close to that played by Reserveratrol. Researchers have been able to isolate the exact enzyme that is responsible.

A recent study by Oregon Health and Sciences University revealed that runners

who drank cherry juice twice a day for seven days prior to and on the day

of a long-distance relay had significantly less muscle pain following the race.

Unique antioxidants are responsible for cherries' deep red

color...and for the fruit's anti-inflammatory benefits. Researchers suggest

cherries may work like common pain medications used by athletes to reduce post-exercise muscle soreness.

So as you go on with your training, add some dark grapes and red cherries to add to your daily nutrition routine. Try adding some dried cherries to a trail mix that you take with you on your long ride. Sip on some cherry juice as you go thought the day .

Again, the more natural the food we put into our bodies the quicker we get to experience the benefits. Learn to be respectful of the power inherent within nature's own abilities to make us well and whole.

Happy Training!

For questions or comments contact Coach Dawn Elder at

Tri-Sition Area is not affiliated with any particular coaching service nor does it support any specific method or philosophy

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